
Invest with wisdom

Successful wealth management doesn’t happen by chance. It all starts with a good plan.

Everyone wants to be a good provider, whether it’s for their family, their business or to create the lifestyle they’ve envisioned for themselves. When you work with our dedicated team of advisors, you get personalized wealth management strategies designed to preserve the wealth you’ve earned and help grow it for years to come. Let us help you invest in today, tomorrow and for generations to follow.

Meet Our Team

Working together for your success

Our dedicated advisors help clients identify and achieve their financial goals through personalized advice and proven, disciplined wealth management strategies.

Working with experience, diligence and integrity, our team provides exceptional guidance to high-achieving professionals, families and businesses. We know that wealth comes in many forms, and your financial plan should reflect that. Our advisors place a high value on earning your trust and confidence by delivering a security that only hard work and thoughtful planning can accomplish. Investing is much more than a measure of monetary gain and knowing this, we look to the future and see boundless opportunity.

Douglas Griffioen

Senior Portfolio Manager
Senior Wealth Advisor
iA Private Wealth Inc.

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Todd Kielstra

Investment Advisor

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David Van Halteren

David Van Halteren

Senior Portfolio Manager
Senior Wealth Advisor
iA Private Wealth Inc.

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Derek Griffioen

Associate Investment Advisor

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Michelle Tavares

Executive Assistant to Douglas Griffioen and David Van Halteren

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Matt Strauss

Insurance Advisor
Investia Financial Services Inc.

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Katie Doskach

Administrative Assistant

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Wealth Management Services

Let’s work to build, preserve and grow your wealth

At its core, wealth is a relentless commitment to personal fulfillment, professional satisfaction and the freedom to achieve your dreams and the dreams of others.

It all starts with building the right financial foundation. Once we’ve established what you must do to build your family’s wealth, we can help you preserve and grow it over time. Whether you’re just starting out or getting close to retirement, our team can help by delivering personalized wealth management strategies that allow you to achieve your goals.

Wealth management is incredibly thorough and holistic, encompassing all elements of your financial well-being – and it all starts with a great financial plan. This plan should be a reflection of your current situation and your vision for the future. It considers your needs, goals and lifestyle preferences in order to create a roadmap for success. It accounts for unexpected challenges and opportunities, and is ever-evolving to meet your needs. It ensures that you’re able to live well today while being ready for retirement, properly insured and prepared to transition assets to the next generation.

Our wealth management services include investment management, retirement planning, RESPs and other education planning strategies, budgeting and debt reduction, *insurance, estate planning, support for small business owners and more. Additionally, we offer specialized services for those caring for a dependent with special needs.

The most important element of your estate plan is your Legal Will. Objectives change over time and your Will should reflect these changes to ensure that your estate is distributed as you wish. You may have valuable assets, such as a family cottage, that require a careful tax minimization strategy before the property is passed on. Children and grandchildren may change the way you distribute certain assets.

You may consider using trusts to hold and maintain assets for young beneficiaries. Trusts are flexible and useful estate planning tools but should be established only after careful thought and the assistance of qualified legal counsel. Assets with named beneficiaries, such as RRSPs, RRIFs, segregated funds and *insurance should also be reviewed regularly to ensure that your beneficiaries reflect your current goals and objectives. Additionally, our team can assist those who have lost a spouse and require support navigating their new financial path.

As your income grows, so does your level of taxation. We can help you make the most of your hard-earned money through personalized tax minimization strategies. Continually changing legislation can make tax planning complex, but our team can help reduce your tax bill through proven strategies and tax-efficient investments. Remember, you can build wealth in two ways – by increasing your income or decreasing your expenses – and tax minimization is a key part of that growth.


Visit these links for some useful online financial calculators.

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you

Ready to learn more? Our team would be pleased to arrange a complimentary financial consultation at your convenience.

54 Albert Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3S2, Canada
(416) 410-8448 · (519) 884-8884

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